Agatha Christie’s The Hollow.
Audition Date and time
Wednesday 11th January. Registration 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start.
The Peninsula Theatre (home of Woy Woy Little Theatre), John Hoare Cl, Woy Woy 2256
Contact Andrew Thomson on 0405 103 077
(Audition Pieces are below)
Venue: Rehearsals will be held at The Peninsula Theatre, John Hoare Cl, Woy Woy 2256
Performance details
Production dates are May 19th to June 4th 2023
Henrietta Angatell – 30s
Sir Henry Angatell – elderly
Lady Angatell – 60s
Midge Harvey – a little younger that Henrietta
Gudgeon – the perfect butler
Edward Angatell – 35 – 45
Doris – half witted looking maid
Gerda Cristow – 40s
John Cristow MD – 40s
Veronica Craye – the very beautiful neighbour
Inspector Colquhoun – policeman from CID
Detective Sergeant Penny – policeman
The Hollow audition Edward + Henrietta
The Hollow audition Midge +Sir Henry + Lady Angkatell
The Hollow audition Veronica + Sir Henry + Lady Angkatell
The Hollow audition Veronica + John
The Hollow audition John + Gerda
The Hollow audition Inspector + Sergeant + Gudgeon
The Hollow audition Inspector + Sergeant + Doris
The Hollow audition Inspector + Sergeant
The Hollow audition Inspector + Gerda + Sir Henry
The Hollow audition Edward, Midge, Lady Angkatell, Henrietta
The Hollow audition Gudgeon + John + Midge + Lady Angkatell