FLASH Playreads every 2nd Wednesday from 7:30 on Zoom
Join in the virtual fun. Get involved or just listen in.
During July the dates are: 1st, 15th and 29th.
What is a FLASH Playread? It:
- is a short play or a short excerpt from a longer play – up to 10 minutes
- has some humour in it
- has a small cast of 2 to 4 people and a director
- should be treated as a ‘radio play’, as the focus will be on the audio reading (and sound effects??) rather than the interaction of actors on stage
- is a rehearsed play reading, so the cast and a director get together ‘virtually’ before the performance to think though how it will be read, practise reading it and add appropriate sound effects.
You may also propose a suitable script or excerpt of a script.
How do you become involved?
Send an email to us here and let us know if you’d like to:
- be an audience member – listen in
- be an actor
- be a director – who identifies a play they’d like to direct, coordinates rehearsals, and is the overall go-to person
- nominate a play / excerpt to be read
- nominate a play, group of actors and director – as a ‘complete package’!!
We need your email so you can participate – even to listen in
As this is a ‘virtual’ playreading, we need to invite you to a Google Meeting. You’ll then be sent a link that you click on to enter the meeting using your computer, laptop, iPad or similar or phone. (If you respond, we’ll tell you more.)